jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

Nocturnal Depression

Nocturnal Depression - Four Seasons To A Depression 2007 este material es para cortarce las venas un sentimiento por cada ocaso cada estacion en principal host (autumn) se recomienda el video es otro nivel!!!!
este demo fue realisado el 21 de septiembre del 2007.

Host (Autumn)
Tears are falling like sad autumn Leafs Time is wasted you've destroyed everything around us Sadness is embracing me with his cold Arms Suicide is leading me, you are the Reason to my End Depression rise again from the Bottom of my Soul Desecration of my Heart, sentenced to Death Sorrow is kissing me with her poisoned Lips Sorrow embracing me and leading me to my Grave

1. Fjaer (Spring)
2. Sommer (Summer)
3. Host (Autumn)
4. Vinter (Winter)


Nocturnal Depression - Soundtrack For A Suicide - Opus II 2007

1. Anthem To Self-Destruction

2. The Stars Lightening My Path
3. Bonus (Hidden Track)
4. Join Me With Suicide
5. Hear My Voice... Kill Yourself


Nocturnal Depression - Name: Reflections of A Sad Soul 2008
banda francesa liderada por las vocales Lord Lokhraed esta banda si se lleva mis respetos formada en francia en el 2004 hasiendo split con bandas como wedard, funeral rip y entre otras bandas alternas Nostalgie recomendadas!!!!!

1. The Whispering Spectrum 10:03
2. Fading Away in the Fog 13:37
3. Solitude and Despair 10:59
4. Her Ghost Haunts These Walls 12:05
5. Nevica 10:58

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